Faculty Teaching Initiatives
Faculty Initiatives in Teaching and Learning
- In the delivery of the course on “Individual and Group Behaviour”
(a) Use of eBook and Digital Platform
The faculty uses an e-book on Organizational Behaviour and a digital platform to conduct quizzes, instrumented feedback and continuous evaluation.
(b) Learning Paper
To instill reflective observation, self-management, and behavior modification, based on concepts taught in Individual and Group Behaviour, each student is required to write a ‘Learning Paper’, that helps them in learning and recording observations about themselves, their batch mates, seniors (without naming them), and others during various activities, events, committee meetings, and tasks performed at the Academy. The students are thus encouraged to record in their respective learning papers how they managed the issues related to group dynamics, conflict management, stereotypes, personality, learning, team spirit, and leadership. The students are expected to reflect on the integration of experiences/reality with the concepts, theories, and principles covered during the sessions.
(c) Classics and Group Presentations
Movies, novels, theatre skills are excellent media to teach and learn. The learners are able to identify themselves and others with the characters portrayed. In order to facilitate learning in a creative way, the student teams make presentations on a predetermined topic using movies, novels, theatre, drama/recorded skits. They are expected to analyse and elaborate on the concepts related to the assigned subject of Individual and Group Behaviour and how they have been used in the movie/novel/ theatre/ skit. The team members are randomly selected so that they learn to work with different set of students every time.
(d) Peer Evaluation
For the classics and group presentations, students are required to evaluate other teams based on the selection of movies, content, presentation styles, and application of concepts. This exercise helps the students in practising ethics and deal with cognitive dissonance.
(e) Cases/ Case-lets/ Management Games/ Instrumented Feedback
In order to develop critical thinking skills, understand group dynamics and, various concepts related to Individual and Group behaviour, the comprehensive course design is shared with students. For each topic, a relevant case/ exercise is conducted. Each activity is followed up by debriefing and discussion sessions on the application of learning to real-life situations.
- In the delivery of the course on “Leadership and Change Management”
(a) Workshop Mode
The course is carried out in workshop mode (5 to 6 hours a day) to facilitate reflection and experiential learning.
(b) Action Research
In order to apply concepts learned in solving an issue or problem, in improving performance and in modifying behaviour, a group consisting of three or four students are required to carry out an Action Research on a real-life issue, for example, giving career advice for the housekeeping staff or application of co-creation for insurance services, etc. At the end of the research, the group makes a presentation on methodology, results achieved, and their learning experience from the action research.
(c) Cases/ Case-lets/ Managements Games/ Instrumented Feedback
In order to encourage critical thinking and to develop understanding of group dynamics and various other concepts related to individual and group behaviour, relevant cases or exercises are administered. The list of cases for each topic is communicated to the students at the beginning of the course. This activity is followed up by debriefing and discussion sessions on the application of learning to real life situations.
(d) Use of Simulation Games
Online Simulation – “Mount Everest” by Harvard Business Publishing, is used to discuss concepts related to leadership and team building.
- In the delivery of the courses on “Information Technology” and “Quantitative Techniques”
(a) Use of Online Platform
The faculty conducts online quizzes for majority of the sessions whereby continuous evaluation of students is done. Data thus collected are analysed to identify problem areas wherein they need help in learning.
(b) Video Content
Video content created for almost all the topics not only focus on explaining the concepts, but also try to address the problem areas of students identified through analysis of the quiz data. These videos are organized in course form and are made available to students through the public platform.
(c) Availability of Online Courses
Online courses published so far are given below:
- Probability for Risk Management and Optimization at : https://www.udemy.com/course/a-quick-bite-in-probability/
- CPM/PERT for Project Management at :
- Linear Programming for Optimization at: https://www.udemy.com/course/linear-programming-for-machine-learning/
- Inventory Optimization at :
- "Data Mining and AI Algorithms" at
(d) Real-time Feedback through Use of Faculty Blog
Within one hour after the examinations/tests, the students are provided with the model answers through blogs and are encouraged to compare their answers. The marking pattern is also shared after the evaluation to maintain transparency. Such blogs are also provided to the new batches of students in the beginning of the term to familiarize themselves with the Academy’s system of teaching and evaluation. Thus, the students know the past year’s questions, the answers and the marking pattern. They are also provided a platform to discuss and learn in a collaborative way. Edmodo, which also connects the students with the global community of learners. is used for this purpose The Blogs are provided at:
- http://otanswers.blogspot.com/ for 2017, 2018, 2019 batch questions in Optimization Techniques
- http://qt2answers.blogspot.com/ for 2014, 2015, 2016 batch questions in Quantitative Techniques 2*. [*This subject was renamed as Optimization Techniques since 2017.]
- In the delivery of the course on “Economics”
(a) Use of Case Studies/Caselets
A comprehensive course design is shared in advance with students to help them prepare for class discussions. Relevant case studies based on class/group discussions are organized to develop thinking and articulation skills in the students. They are also supported and encouraged to relate their learning to the current developments in the economy.
(b) Individual and Group Assignment/s
Assignments are given to relate concepts on economics to insurance business. Students are encouraged to associate the basic concepts of economic theory to basics on insurance through individual and group assignments
- In the delivery of the course on “Consumer Behaviour”
(a) Use of the digital platform – The Connect Platform by McGraw Publications
The faculty uses the smartbook edition of the Textbook on Consumer Behaviour and a digital platform for teaching this course. The digital platform provides one-stop access to students to many learning resources such as interactive smartbook, additional readings provided by the instructor, simulation games, quizzes, and recordings of lecturers. Students receive a personalized reading experience wherein the book highlights the most impactful concepts a student needs to learn. It also identifies the concepts that require more attention from individual students – or the entire class – as they proceed to read the book and take self-assessment quizzes. This platform highlights, on a real-time basis, the topic a student, or the entire class, is finding difficult in comprehending the instructor. By this process, just like an instructor, the particular topics are discussed in more detail in the class. The platform has a provision of providing access to other instructors or authorities on the subject along with the main instructor. This enables evaluation of the course work and students’ performance by a peer instructor and the monitoring of the course by the academic administrators.
(b) Use of cases from Harvard Case Bank and Case-lets developed by the course faculty
For simulating real-life marketing scenarios and for making students understand challenges in decision making, Harvard Case Studies are regularly included in the teaching plan. Additionally, short case studies are prepared by the faculty for classroom discussion and evaluation purposes. Students get to discuss not only the latest and relevant managerial concepts but also experience real business scenarios, particularly from the Insurance sector. This prepares them well for the job they are going to perform after their graduation.
(b) Use of Innovative Group Assignment
The students in small groups are guided to study in detail an “upcoming innovative insurance and/or allied company” and make a presentation on its business model, strategies, and performance. The students are also expected to anticipate and discuss the future strategies of these companies. The presentation of this assignment is made to the whole class. For evaluation and identification of the top and three submissions, other faculty members are also invited.
- In the delivery of the course on “Agriculture and Rural Insurance”
(a) Opportunity to Participate in Live Projects
Working on a real-life problem through a live project encourages students to learn from experience. It also gives them exposure to the real industry work environment. Students are, therefore, encouraged to volunteer for live research/ consultancy projects to have hands on experience.
(b) Awareness Campaign Strategy
Students are asked to design a media campaign strategy for popularization of crop insurance in rural areas. This activity is aimed at blending their creative abilities with the concept of insurance. It also helps them in having active learning experience.
(c) Surprise Online Quizzes
Quizzes are organized to encourage students remain updated with the classroom learning. Unannounced quizzes are conducted frequently and the quiz content is designed to help students retain and recall the concepts.
- In the delivery of the courses on “Fundamentals of Life Insurance” and “Life Insurance Product Underwriting”
(a) Creation of Additional Readings and Innovative Course Content
The Insurance Regulator’s (IRDAI) latest circulars, guidelines and regulations are compiled and discussed during the classes and the Students are asked to share their viewpoints. For a better understanding of Life Insurance Underwriting, Policy Servicing & Claims, the contents of various documents, e. g. Proposal Forms, Policy Documents, Revival form, Riders, Loan/Surrender Form & Claim are also discussed with the students. IRDAI’s Annual Report and Public Disclosures along with the Annual Reports of various Life Insurance companies are scanned to update their knowledge about the sector.
(b) Weekly Newspaper Bulletin and Classroom Discussion
News related to the Insurance and Financial sectors are collated by groups of students (in rotation) and presented to their peers and faculty on a weekly basis.
(c) Action Oriented Assignments
Students are asked to promote insurance awareness in the society by interacting personally or through different social platforms.
(d) Use of Learning Diary
Students are advised to keep their Learning Diaries and to share 3 key points from the previous session.
(e) Use of Case Studies/ Live Cases
Sections of Insurance Acts and various clauses/riders are discussed in the form of case studies/live examples/court cases.
- In the delivery of the course on “Motor Insurance”
(a) Use of Motor Lab
The Academy has a well-equipped Motor Lab which is utilized not only to familiarize the students with the technical aspects of motor vehicle devices/ parts, but also to understand the theoretical aspects of Motor Insurance in a more realistic manner.
(b) Industry Visits
Students are taken to motor garages where repairing of motor vehicles are undertaken. Lectures by experts on auto manufacturing and insurance are also organized to help the students understand the technicalities of motor vehicles and nuances related to insurance.
Additional Approaches
- Preparation of Session Plan
Before the start of each course, the faculty gives a detailed session plan laying out the content, flow, pedagogy, evaluation pattern and the expected learning outcomes.
- Discussion in the Class Regarding Current Insurance Affairs
Faculty and students are encouraged to discuss and analyse the current insurance affairs. This enables the students to relate to the theoretical concepts learnt in the classroom with the developments in the insurance industry. One such example is the discussion of the insurance sand box concept initiated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development of India (IRDAI).
- Interaction with the Corporate World
The NIA has frequent interactions with various organizations in the corporate world (both private and public) with the intention of identifying their employability needs so as to conduct suitable programs that would enhance students’ skills relevant to these organizations. Business leaders from the insurance and other sectors are invited to share their experiences and insights with PGDM batches.
- Feedback from the Alumni
There is continuous informal interactions with NIA-PGDM Alumni. They bring the state-of-the-art knowledge in the insurance sector. They also act as aspirational leaders for the current batches of students who are seeking to make a career in the insurance industry.
- Soft Skills and Communication Skills
The PGDM students are given training in soft skills and communication skills by internal and external resource persons. In particular, such training is imparted before the placement process by identifying the gaps in their skill sets. This is to enable them to become corporate (placement) ready.
- Internship for Students
After completion of the first year, every student is assigned a faculty mentor as well as a mentor from the organization where he/she is selected to do practical training. This enables the students to blend their conceptual knowledge with the practical experience from real life in the corporate world.
- Remedial Classes for Weaker Students
Faculty members conduct remedial classes for students who are academically weak in their subjects. Number of sessions and frequency are tailor-made to suit individual student’s requirements.
- Industrial Visits
As a part of the course work, visits are arranged to different stakeholders in insurance sector, such as insurance companies, brokers, third-party administrators (TPAs) and insurance clients. This enables the students to gain an insight into the contribution of different stakeholders to the insurance sector.
- E-books and Digital Library
Students are given access to e-books and other digital resources for reference and study.